Name: Plaid Shirt Outerwear Blouse Women Velvet Long-Sleeve Warm Winter Brand-New Female College
SKU: 4000229754437
Rated 4.7/5
based on 272 Reviews
Shop3618076 Store
Price :$23.94 In stock
Best Women Tops from Shop3618076 Store for Plaid Shirt Outerwear Blouse Women Velvet Long-Sleeve Warm Winter Brand-New Female College
The most common thing consumers are doing if they are shopping online Plaid Shirt Outerwear Blouse Women Velvet Long-Sleeve Warm Winter Brand-New Female College is you more than likely guessed this one working. A lot more than 57% of online customers have shopped at work. Actually there Is a good chance you are working kind of while you are looking over this article. The other well-liked things that online buyers do when they are shopping will be household chores, instore comparison shopping, cooking, dining out and running errands. Less than 20% of online shoppers have searched while commuting. Thats likely because most people in the Circumstance. S. drive to work and fewer people use mass transit to drive. But more than 6% of online shoppers have shopped while driving and a few in addition to that have shopped online while exercising. Would everyone please be careful. Of all daily activities done while shopping, people apparently want less distraction although they are walking the dog than at any other time. This ranked lowest of all activities for the time when customers shop online....Check Discount
Customer reviews:
Date: 19 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
отличная рубашка. очень теплая. за две недели пришла
Date: 25 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Отличная тёплая рубашка. На рост 172, ог-6, об-105 xl идеально
Date: 16 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Замечательная вещь. Блузкой назвать не хочется. Теплая, легкая, мягкая, длинная. На рост 160см рукава длинны. Обычно беру ХЛ, чтоб посвободнее. Но эта свободна очень на 46размер .Обхват груди 2см у меня. Мне понравилась. Никогда такого плана вещи не носила. Везде можно применить. Очень понравилась, хотя не ожидала. Советую. Большое спасибо продавцу и изготовителям.
Date: 29 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Super košile !! Kvalitní zboží !! Velikost odpovídá ! Děkuji !! Doporučuji prodejce !!!
Date: 09 Feb 2021Logistics: China Post Registered Air Mail
Perfect! XL fits 61 kg, 170 cm tall and the sleeves are long enough. Nice and warm!
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 08 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
normal mente huso una M L pero pedí una XL y he acertado modo 1.64 y de largo me encanta, además llegó un día de nieve y la he estrenado , de olor nada normal como cuando la compras en la tienda , muy satisfecha AA gracias por el coletero para el pelo que vino de regalo
Date: 22 Jan 2021Logistics: China Post Registered Air Mail
Took more than two months to arrive. This is a very nice shirt/jacket. It is just the perfect thickness. Soft and fluffy on the inside; cool plaid on the outside. I will likely wear it as a light jacket when it gets a bit warmer outside. The XL fits well, but the shoulders are a bit tight on my size 10 US.
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 23 Oct 2020Logistics: China Post Registered Air Mail
Месяц в Гродно. Отличная, теплая рубашка. Дочке (рост 164, р-р 44-46) размер L подошел идеально. Рекомендую.
Date: 29 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
es igual a lo que ofrece el vendedor, llegó antes de la fecha.
Date: 13 Nov 2020Logistics: China Post Registered Air Mail
llegó pronto, corresponde a la imagen q ofrece el vendedor, es caliente. y la talla para mí punto de vista corresponde, yo soy xl y cómo xl se me ve bien.
Date: 09 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Приятный материал, теплая. На рост 177 рукав подошел отлично. Размер 44/М - взяла L.
Date: 27 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
it's a warm vest. the shoulder part is a bit small. so if you prefer it a bit more loose order a size larger then usual. I'm a size small EU size and ordered a size small in the shop and it fits good
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 07 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Great product good quality and came on time great seller good good good thank you seller
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 18 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
It's lovely! The size guide is a bit off. According to it I needed S but I took M, I'm glad I did because now it sits perfectly. I'm 1.63m, 80-67-0. If you want to wear this oversized, take at least 2 sizes bigger than the guide recommends. I washed it on 30 degrees C and let it airdry, it didn't shrink. The dress is nicely finished, I didn't have loose threads. The fluffy lining is warm and comfortable, I wear it with leggings and a shirt underneath. It looks a bit better than wearing pyjamas during lockdown but it feels the same. Definitely recommend this seller, it shipped very fast and the product is as described.
Date: 20 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Esta genial muy bien echa
Date: 24 Oct 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
рубашка очень аккуратно слита,приятна на теле
Date: 20 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
C’est vraiment un excellent produit
Date: 29 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Super rapide très jolie
Date: 01 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
comme sur la photo.
Date: 30 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping